William Hopson

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Exploiting Fear Of The Wildly Unlikely In FINAL DESTINATION 3

It doesn’t seem fair, does it? Horror movies don’t have to be good to get the same effect that some thought-provoking melodramas that writers and filmmakers work for years carefully crafting. It’s really true. Blame your brain, if you want. Blame redundant subconscious instincts leftover from our early years as cavemen that are exploited by smart or cheap horror alike. It’s in our DNA to not only jump when something sudden pops up on screen or a sound jerks you awake, but whenever a familiar setting and an absolute worst-case scenario plays out on screen.

Louis Le Prince: The Unsolved Disappearance Of The Father Of Cinema

When you think of the “father of cinema” or the one person that might have the honor of being accredited as such, who comes to mind? If this was something you’d see on Family Feud, some of the more popular answers would be people like The Lumière Brothers, Georges Méliès, Alice Guy-Blaché or even Thomas Edison if you count his series of patents for inventions and ideas he very much blatantly stole. But if you went up there on stage and said Louis Le Prince, your only hope would be that they ha

The Era of Underwhelming Pixar Sequels: TOY STORY 4 vs. INCREDIBLES 2

Toy Story 4 has as big a cast of characters as Incredibles 2, but with the distinct advantage in knowing what story it wants to tell, and to whom the story belongs. In doing so, we look back on the very barebones basics of not only what made Pixar’s movies so great, but any movie you still remember all these years later. Every classic, timeless movie – whether it’s science fiction or romantic comedy – has a great protagonist. And that protagonist is only as great as the story they’re in. And th